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The Chiro Quiz


Taking this short quiz is not only fun, it's an excellent and easy way to learn interesting health facts. When you're answering the questions, select the link at the end of the quiz to check your answers. Be sure to visit frequently as there will be new quizzes to take!

1. Where is the cervical spine located?

in the pelvis
in the neck
in the lower back

2. How many vertebrae are in the lumbar spine?


3. What percentage of individuals will suffer from low back pain during their lifetime?

< 60%
> 80%

4. Approximately how many doctors of chiropractic are there in North America?


5. How many years of education are required to become a doctor or chiropractic?

4 years
6 years
8 years

6. Which health care professional can treat your work-related injuries?

medical doctors
doctors of chiropractic
both of the above

CLICK HERE to check your answers!


1. Where is the cervical spine located?
[ in the neck ]
2. How many vertebrae are in the lumbar spine? [
5 ]
3. What percentage of individuals will suffer from low back pain during their life time?
[ > 80% ]
4. Approximately how many doctors of chiropractic are there in North America?
[ 60,000 ]
5. How many years of education are required to become a doctor or chiropractic?
[ actually, 6 or 8 years depending on the state ]
6. Which health care professional can treat your work-related injuries?
[ both of the above ]

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