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With knees bent, place bottoms of feet together in either the seated or supine (on back) position.


Seated Stretch:

In the seated position with knees bent and feet together, gently press on the tops of the knees down with the elbows. A comfortable stretch should be felt in the region of the inner thigh. Hold this position for a count of ___ seconds.

Repeat this sequence ___ times.
Perform ___ times per day.
Perform ___ days per week.

Supine Stretch:

While laying on the back, bend the knees and place the feet together. Allow the legs to passively stretch towards the floor. A comfortable stretch should be felt in the region of the inner thigh. Hold this position for a count of ___ seconds.

Repeat this sequence ___ times.
Perform ___ times per day.
Perform ___ days per week.

CAUTION: If this or any other stretch/exercise causes pain, tingling, numbness or other abnormality, immediately discontinue and contact our office as soon as possible.

: The exercises/stretches contained within this website are solely for the use of existing, active patients of our clinic who have received a prescription for these exercises/stretches. Other individuals do not have our permission to perform the exercises/stretches contained within. Attempting to perform these exercises/stretches, unless explicitly prescribed by our office, could result in serious injury or a worsening of existing conditions.

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