Health In-Site
July 2004 - Volume 48

This Issue's Feature Articles:
Chiropractors: Your Total Health Doctors
Smokers Minus Ten
Back Pain, Headaches and Asthma
Walk To Health

Chiropractors: Your Total Health Doctors
Most chiropractors have more to provide than simply treatment for musculoskeletal conditions of the back, neck and extremities. Over 80 percent of chiropractors report providing information to patients on musculoskeletal risk reduction, exercise, diet, stress reduction, and injury prevention. Over 80 percent also reported obtaining information from patients on physical activity, stress, dietary habits, obesity, medication use, and occupational hazards.
Source: JMPT. 27(5); June 2004.

Smokers Minus Ten
Findings from a half century of research on the dangers of smoking show cigarette smokers die on average 10 years earlier than non-smokers. Fortunately, kicking the habit, even at 50 years of age, can halve the risk. This study is quite remarkable as studies lasting 50 years are highly unusual. More remarkable is the researcher who initiated the research 50 years ago, Oxford University Professor Richard Doll, was still involved in the study.
Source: Reuters. Jun 22, 2004.

Back Pain, Headaches and Asthma

A study conducted on close to 10,000 twins aged 12 to 22 found associations between low back pain and asthma and headache/migraine. The presence of asthma and headache/migraine increased the probability of low back pain considerably more than the presence of only one other disorder. Researchers were not sure why these conditions were related and recommended further study to help explain their findings.
Source: Spine. 29(13):1483-1491.

Walk To Health
According to our friends at the American Chiropractic Association, revitalizing one’s health could be just steps away. In support of a program called "America On the Move" - a national initiative dedicated to helping individuals and communities make positive changes to improve their health and quality of life - the ACA is urging Americans everywhere to simply take 2,000 more steps and consume 100 fewer calories each day than they normally would. It’s as easy as adding a short walk to your lunchtime schedule, replacing that soda with water and purchasing a pedometer - a small device that can count the number of steps you take.
Source: American Chiropractic Association.

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