Health In-Site
October 2003 - Volume 39

This Issue's Feature Articles:
October is Spinal Health Month
Don’t Wait For Pain To Disappear
Back Surgery: Proceed with Caution
Chiropractic Booming!

October is Spinal Health Month
Did you know 80 percent of Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives? Did you know your spinal health has a direct effect on your overall wellness? Spinal Health Month, sponsored by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), encourages you to speak with your local doctor of chiropractic about ways to keep your spine healthy. Doctors of chiropractic are experts at examining the spine and proving safe, effective care for any existing problems as well as preventative spinal care.
Source: American Chiropractic Association.

Don’t Wait For Pain To Disappear
Pain is not just uncomfortable and annoying. Pain can cause significant changes in the stabilizing muscles of the body. Research shows that people experiencing back pain have altered muscle activity in the stabilizing muscles of the back. This change in muscle tone and firing can result in altered spinal biomechanics which can result in further damage. If you’re experiencing pain or if it's been a while since your last spinal checkup, please contact our office today for a convenient appointment!
Source: Spine 2003;28:1591-1598

Back Surgery: Proceed with Caution

While back surgery can be necessary in a small percentage of individuals, it should only be used as a last resort. In a recent study published in the prestigious medical journal Spine, back education and exercises were compared to back surgery in a group of patients with chronic low back pain and disc degeneration. Researchers found equal improvement in those who received back education and exercises, and those who received back surgery… need we say more!
Source: Spine 2003;28:1913-1921

Chiropractic Booming!
Each year the health care community and the public becomes more impressed with and more dependant on chiropractic care. To help meet this demand, chiropractic educators are building more chiropractic institutions. On October 4th, Palmer College of Chiropractic will celebrate the grand opening of it’s third chiropractic college, located in Port Orange, Florida. Congratulations Palmer and congratulations future young doctors!

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