October 2009 - Volume 111
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HEALTH NEWS FOR October 2009


We've got the answers to your chiropractic-related questions:

Feature Articles:
Is Your Back Pain Becoming A Pain?
October is National Chiropractic Month
Whole Grains Benefit Blood Pressure
Vitamin D Prevents Falls In The Elderly

Is Your Back Pain Becoming A Pain?

If you’ve ever experienced back pain, and who really hasn’t, you’ll understand the following excerpt from a recent article published in the July/August 2009 AARP Health Newsletter (AARP.org):

“The first time I thought it was a quirk. The second time I thought it was a coincidence. The third time I would have sat up and taken notice—but I couldn't sit up. And the fourth time my back went out—leaving me supine for a week, except for when I crawled to the bathroom—I was forced to take action… Despite the pervasiveness of the problem, there are few clear guidelines on how to properly diagnose and treat low back pain, leaving sufferers like me to try one therapy after another. Thankfully that disjointed approach is starting to change, as a slew of new research sheds light on what works and what doesn't. I've consolidated that research here—and consulted half a dozen experts in low back pain—to help you ease your agonizing aches.”

In this article, the author provides a brief description of his personal incident of back pain as well as recommended treatments based on the most current and sound research available. In describing certain treatments for back pain, which he states “really be called spine pain because that complex of bones is the center beam of the system that holds us erect,” he comments on his finding for chiropractic care:

“Chiropractic - To clarify a common misunderstanding: chiropractors don't ‘crack your back.’ That popping sound is a gas bubble being released from between two joints that have been coaxed into alignment. A study published in 2002 found that patients with low back pain treated by chiropractors showed greater improvement after one month than those treated by physicians.”

While there are several studies showing overwhelming evidence of chiropractic’s benefits for those suffering from back and spinal problems, we thought we’d share one back pain sufferer’s findings and recommendations. If you or others are suffering from back, neck and/or spinal problems, contact our office today for a safe, comprehensive evaluation.

AUTHOR: ChiroPlanet.com
SOURCE: AARP Health Newsletter (AARP.org); July & August 2009.
COPYRIGHT: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2009


October is National Chiropractic Month

Attention to you all! Were you aware that October is officially National Chiropractic Month? Each year our friends at the American Chiropractic Association sponsor a nationwide observance in October to focus on helping certain public health problems through safe, natural chiropractic care. This year, the main focus is the effectiveness of chiropractic in the care for some of the most common forms of headaches. Did you know that 9 out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches? Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective in the care for some of the most common types of headaches such as muscle tension and cervicogenic headaches (head pain originating from structures located in the neck). If you are suffering from headaches, contact our office for an evaluation today!

AUTHOR: American Chiropractic Association
SOURCE: ACA. September 16, 2009.
American Chiropractic Association 2009


Whole Grains Benefit Blood Pressure

Consuming plentiful amounts of whole grain foods appears to ward off high blood pressure according to the latest research. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a new study found men with the largest consumption of whole grain foods (52 grams/day) were 19 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure as compared with men consuming just 3 grams of whole grains daily. The process of refining grains results in the removal of their outer coating making them more quickly absorbed by the body (and thus, potentially turning into body fat more easily) as well as removing many beneficial nutrients. Thus, when purchasing grain products, it’s better to choose whole grain foods as compared with refined foods. Another finding researchers noted was that men who consumed more whole grain foods also tended to gain less weight. Of course, everything in moderation.

AUTHOR: ChiroPlanet.com
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, September 2009.
COPYRIGHT: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2009


Vitamin D Prevents Falls In The Elderly

New research finds those aged 65 and older can prevent often devastating fall injuries from occurring by simply supplementing with 700 to 1000 IU (international units) of vitamin D daily. These findings are based on the results of 8 studies specifically looking at preventing fall injuries by supplementing with vitamin D. As a group, those subjects taking less than 700 IU did not reduce their number of fall injuries while those taking 700 to 1000 IU did. According to researchers, the effectiveness of the daily 700 to 1000 IU dose of vitamin D occurs "… in a few months and is sustained over years, and the benefit is independent of age and present in those living at home and those living in nursing homes.”

AUTHOR: ChiroPlanet.com
SOURCE: British Medical Journal, online October 2, 2009.
COPYRIGHT: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2009


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